Since the onset of the pandemic, the crochet community has seen a boom in popularity, especially among Gen Z. Crocheters report that they enjoy the activity for its stress- and anxiety-relieving qualities. Now, with many people returning to the full-time work week, it’s increasingly difficult to manage the time and materials for crochet. For anyone looking to start or return to crochet, Yarnover is the solution. Yarnover’s subscription boxes, sent periodically, contain everything you need for an adorable creation of your own, all in one box.
Each box comes with the supplies needed for one project, from yarn to patterns and more. Subscribers can choose a project for each box, or they can fill out a questionnaire about their favorite crafts and have choices personalized for them. The Beginner Box is packed with tools that crocheters will use over time, like assorted hooks and stitch markers.
Yarnover gets its title from the technique of the same name, used in crochet and knitting. Key brand elements harness coziness and craftiness into an experience that feels "home-made". The box itself takes the form of a house, adorned with crafty doodles that loop around, much like yarn.
The Yarnover logo is entirely hand-lettered. For extra flair, some stems have been styled into crochet hooks. The r's ball terminal is really like a hook terminal!
Check out how the brand scales into collectible merchandise!

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